Monday, June 8, 2009

WIP of my new self portrait. Mirror used for ref.


Martin Kau said...

Hey Ashley,

Colin sent your stuff our way to take a gander and any possible suggestions or feedback.
Figure Drawing. You gotta do sketches of the figure a lot more starting from Gesture, Construction, Anatomy, and then whatever type of technique you want to use. Drawing the figure with a pen, pencil, NO ERASERS will help build your confidence and economy of line.
And just go out and sketch a whole lot more too.
Continuing to build a keener sense of observation is important. This will totally help the painting skills you've been trying to build as well.
These are things I practiced and practice still today. I try to sketch as much as possible.
One thing you do have going for you though, but it's not consistent, are your story telling skills. I like the little stories moments you have in your pieces. Style wise I enjoy the flat graphic style you do, it's short sweet and effective. You should check out Tadahiro Uesugi. His flat work is a hot thing right now.
As one of teachers used to say, if you're not in motion you're drawing.
Other artists to inspire you:
paul felix, armand serrano, paul lissaine, enrique fernandez, Claire Wendling, sergio toppi Those should keep you busy ;)

Good luck, you aren't there yet, but you're dancing around that border, just need to give it that one last heave ho.


Ashlee Williams said...

Thanks so much for the feedback! I haven't been doing nearly as much life drawing as I'd like to be, mostly because there aren't really any classes for it in Southern Maryland. I guess I'll have to be heading into D.C. on the weekends. :)

And thanks a lot for the suggestions about other artists to look at. I always enjoy checking out other people's work and learning new techniques.

I appreciate the encouragement, and I'm definitely trying to improve more before I begin my next round of applications. Thanks again!